AI Steering Game was a school project where we learned a lot about AI behaviour. The game was made using a small visual game design document we got from our teachers. We got provided 3 low poly asset packs as a base for our game.
I didn't like this project so much, it was cooling working with an AI behaviour tree but the implementation wasn't the easiest to debug but I still learned a lot in this project!
This project was made using the Unity engine and the C# language.
The team for this project was 3 developers.
This project took 4 weeks of 3 days of school time each week.
I mainly worked on the AI of the units walking around on the ground.
For this project we opted to use my Object Pool which I made prior to this project.
Since one of my main tasks were the AI, I made use of a behaviour tree to make decisions with my AI.
For this project we used A* pathfinding for our AI units. I rewrote a lot of the A* code provided by another developer.
For the units I made I used the flyweight pattern for their values that didn't change.
For my managers I made use of the singleton pattern for ease of access.