Garnerium is an infinite tower defence/RTS game! I've been helping my friend Nick Jennissen with a game he has been working on called Garnerium, it needed major code reworks as the code base grew larger and larger but became less coherent. After that I stuck around to help develop new features, help with design and going to co-release the game with him! The video above was one of the first fully gameplay loops we manage to capture! We have learnt a lot thanks to the fact that we were able to test the game and it has evolved a lot since then.
Since the Unity pricing changing announcement we have decided for ethical reason to port our game to Godot instead, delaying our targets but feeling better about developing the game. This has challenged me a lot but we are close to having all gameplay working fully in Godot after less than a week of work! It has been really fun to be honest as well! Because it showed me how much I got depended on Unity's features but how little I actually needed them as I was capable of making other solutions work way easier!
While this game started in Unity it has now developed itself in to a Godot-Mono project instead! While able to use both C# work across both engines.
This game is made by just my friend and I!
A lot! This game has gone through so much iteration as we learnt from previous iterations on how to better our game continuedly. I've been working on and off on this game for almost 2 years now!
I've joined the development of this game just before the first version of the full gameplay loop was finished. Ever since I've been working on everything in the game pretty much. From art related work to coding to design you name it I've been involved in it now!
As part of the game I've also done work on the game's website to setup steam implementation for our leader boards!